Safe & healthy First Nations children with cultural awareness
To ensure the well being of the children & families of the member First Nations
Value Statement
- RESPECT: we honor our sacred children & families, First Nations communities, employees, & Board members with dignity & respect.
- HONESTY: we are honest & fair in all our deliberations, decisions, & actions.
- CARING: we are committed to the spirit of sharing & caring.
- RESPONSIBILITY: we, the TCCFS East Board of Directors & staff are committed to fulfill our roles & responsibilities & uphold our Code of Ethics & Oath of Confidentiality
The Tribal Chief Child & Family Services (TCCFS) East Society was formed on June 24, 1996, for the sole purpose of ensuring the well being of the children and families of member First Nations. The TCCFS East Society delivers services ad programs to Kehewin Cree Nation and Frog Lake First Nation communities under a bilateral agreement with the federal and provincial governments supported with Band Council Resolutions. The TCCFS East Society Boards of Directors is comprised of two Directors from member First Nations and the appointment of such Board of Directors is determined by the leadership of the First Nations.
TCCFS East Society continues to honor our responsibility to provide Child Welfare services to our member First Nations as their delegated First Nations Child Welfare Agency.
TCCFS East Society is located in Kehewin Cree Nation to better provide our services to our community members.
Historical Treaty Interpretations
The member First Nations and their members have a unique spirituality, culture, customs, and language that have existed from time immemorial in harmony with a specific territory of land; which is a gift from the Creator to fulfill the purpose of creation.
Furthermore, the Member First Nations and their citizens have the primary and specific obligation to each other to pursue individual and collective health, welfare, harmony, and well being. This traditional obligation includes, but is not limited to, child-rearing customs that adhere to the central belief that the participation of the Nation is needed to raise a child.
Traditional Child-Rearing Practices
The Society recognizes the sacredness of the birth family and extended family. The birth family and extended family are recognized by the society as being the primary provider and protector of their children and families.
The Society believes that the Member First Nations possess the ability to assert traditional family preservation and child-rearing practices that are consistent with tribal customs and that do not contravene the rights of the child pursuant to natural laws and basic human rights.